Good news:
One of our follow-up proposals for Spitzer was accepted. Chris finally got the paper submitted for XO-2b. 3b will be presented in Honolulu next month. And I've found a lot of candidates, two that I'm excited about, but there might be some surprises in the others.
I heard from Megan today. She passed her MS defense! I feel so guilty that I haven't kept in touch more with the old gang.
I saw Spider-Man 3 tonight. Simply fantastic. The most purely enjoyable movie I've seen in years.
Bad news:
Jen's dad is back in the hospital, this time with pneumonia. She was a wreck when she called. I barely talked myself out of immediately jumping in the car and driving back to Ohio. She's in so much pain, but I can do nothing to help her. And that hurts.
But her dad is a tough old bastard. I'm not counting him out just yet.
Simply annoying news is that I'm down to a few stupid items before I have the new systems ready for Maui, but they seem to be lost somewhere in purchasing hell.
I suspect I'm going to be making a lot of cathartic phone calls to unsuspecting office ladies. It'll blow my nice guy rep to hell, but maybe misplaced anger will get some balls rolling.