It looks like I survived the move. There were a few things I wanted to mention about the trip down here, but I think I've forgotten most of them. And a few things are really personal, and I doubt anybody really wants to hear about them anyways.
No problems on the way down, except I'm really starting to agree with Greg's comment that Pennsylvania sucks. Yet another trip through that state that was rainy and shitty, and what ever they put on the roads turned my car black and nearly used all of my windshield fluid. The southern part of the state was pretty, though. These silvery brown trees that I didn't recognize on the mountains.
I was exhausted when I got here, so the first thing I did was take a long, hot bath. Then I started unpacking and assembling the new furniture I had brought in the car. And making Becky blush from text messages while she was taking the bus home. But I didn't mean to do that, I swear!
Of course, on Saturday the DirectTV guys showed up right on time, and the moving van with my tv wasn't here yet. They pulled in just as the installers were getting to the last step before they had to connect it to a television.
And here I'll mention it was nearly 70, sunny, and we were just standing around outside in t-shirts doing all the work.
So far I've done nothing but unpack, try to find where things other peopple unpacked are, and run back and forth to nearby stores for things I need. No time to really see any of the neighborhood, or any new parts of the city. I report to work tomorrow, so hopefully the new job is as kick-ass as it sounds.
The only thing not connected yet, utility wise, is the DSL line. All I heard from the phone company is that it may not happen until the end of the month. And with the holiday tomorrow, and my needing so much stuff before I left for work I signed up temporarily for an Earthlink account. But, of course, their service won't work with my Airport station, so I'm stuck at my desk in the library. Same drawing table I used for a computer desk in college, which is causing a creepy sense of deja vu.