As mentioned in the last update, I'm back in Ohio. Pretty much just biding my time. I found a place I think I'm really going to like, and they were really excited to have me move there. Unfortunately I can't move in until the 12th. That first night I was a bit homesick, but by the next evening I didn't want to deal with having to come back.
But I did.
Just in time for New Year's Eve. And I hadn't even thought to make plans. And nobody had invited me to anything. Probably just as well. The last few years have been disasters. Last year I specifically chose which party I was going to based on the number of single people who said they'd be attending. Not to try and hook up, but so I wouldn't be the only one. So I went to a party and all the other singles canceled. And to make it even worse all the couples at the party had just gotten engaged that month. So it was nothing but smooching and wedding planning all around me. I ended up not speaking to any of the single people who bailed for months.
After I got back I had a bad case of the sniffles, so I rang in the new year sitting all alone in my pajamas strung out on cold medicine.
Today I packed up the last of the personal things. Some things were just kind of wistful, like papers from when I first started graduate school; to the painful, such as "I love you, I love you, I love you" cards from Jen. Hallmark: printing lies to cardboard since 1915! :p
But now it's down to loading the major furniture onto a Uhaul, and making a one way trip. At this point I just want it to be over. Kind of like just ripping off a Band-Aid as opposed to trying to peel it off slowly. I guess at this point I've seen most of my old friends for the last time. I know a few people will make the effort to try and see me once before I leave for good. My mom wants to have everyone over for dinner, but I'm not sure it's worth the effort. I doubt I can get everyone together in one place.
I'm thinking 2007 will be interesting. Probably not as eventful as 2006. I suspect the first few months I'll be swamped learning things at work. When the weather gets warm Maryland should be fun. I doubt diving will be as amazing as it was in Hawaii, but I'm very near the beach.
So, for the moment, I'm in a twilight zone. I've already moved on, but I'm not actually there yet. If there's anyone that still needs my new address and phone number just get a hold of me sometime this week.